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The building blocks of HTML are great for helping with Information Architecture. Use the points below to label up a page design or wireframe. They’ll help make sure that your page has a solid structure, will make it a bit easier for developers to work with, and, as a bonus, the page will work better with assistive technology like screenreaders: yay!

You will definitely need these

Every web page needs these blocks at their top-level (the children elements of the <body>, if you want to get a bit technical about it).

  • A <header> element for stuff that applies to the whole site. This will probably include a logo, maybe search and navigation too.
  • A <nav> element (probably with a ul list inside). This needs a name: either in the code, or as a nearby heading.
    • This element can (optionally) be inside the <header> element.
  • A <main> element for the main content of the page. That is: not the repeated header and footer of the page, not the sidebar, not the nav.
  • An <aside> element for stuff that’s not the main content of the page. Traditionally: a sidebar.
  • A <footer> element for stuff that applies to the whole site. This will probably include copyright stuff, contact information, and so on.

You will probably need these

Most web pages will need to divide up the content in their <main> element, and let users scan the page.

  • Use a <section> element to group content thematically.
    • Have a heading element, optionally inside a <header>.
  • Use an <article> element for self-contained stuff like a blog post or a single product.
    • Have a heading element, optionally inside a <header>.
  • Use a <div> element only if no other element is the right fit (i.e. more semantically correct).
  • Use heading elements (<h1> to <h6>) to organise the page.
    • Don’t skip levels. Heading levels should flow down; <h1> (the most important thing on the page) to <h2> to <h3>, down to <h6>.
    • Make heading levels consistent across the page as a whole.

You may need these

Forms! Many things on the web are applications more than they are pages, which means they use <form> elements.

  • Use a heading element for every <form>.
  • Use a <label> for every control (text fields, checkboxes, radios, etc.).
  • Group related controls using the <fieldset> element (the container for the group) and the <legend> element (the heading for the group).

Additional notes

  • It’s usually best to have a visible heading or label and link things using aria-labelledby="the-id-of-the-element-that-names-this-thing".
    • As an alternative, you can add aria-label="The name of this thing" to the thing itself (the <nav> element, heading element, or control).
  • Either wrap <label> elements around the control, or link it with a control using for="the-id-of-the-control".
  • Don’t use placeholder attributes (“ghost text”) instead of labels (but do use them to show examples of inputs). Instead use additional helper text, linked to the control using aria-labelledby="the-id-of-the-help-text-element".

Originally posted at