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Accessibility Design Review process

Here’s my process for conducting accessibility design reviews. I try to present the results as tune-ups rather than tell-offs.

Low complexity

  1. Check the page title. It should be unique and describe the page content.
  2. Check the page headings. Check for order and nesting.
  3. Check all non-text information has a text equivalent. Images (including icons) have alt text that conveys the content or function of the image. Audio and video have transcripts and captions.
  4. Check for high quality link and button text. Link text describes the destination, button text describes the action, .
  5. Check that every form control has an accessible name (visible or not). Placeholders aren’t used instead of label.
  6. Check that every group of related forms controls has an accessible name (visible or not) that provides context for the individual questions in the group.
  7. Check colour contrast. At least 4.5:1 for text (including text over images) and 3:1 for graphics and UI components.

Medium complexity

  1. Check that standard controls are used wherever possible. Interactive elements match standard components from the design system.
  2. Check that non-standard keyboard interactions are annotated. The reasoning behind using a custom component is clearly explained.
  3. Check for responsive annotations. Consider what the UI will look like zoomed in to 400%.
  4. Error messages are clear and helpful.
    • State clearly and precisely the reason for the error (don’t make the user guess what went wrong).
    • Give constructive advice on how to fix the problem (Help them fix it).
    • Don’t use jargon or error codes: express everything in the user’s vocabulary. (Most humans don’t speak developer).
  5. Fields are sized appropriately to hint at the required input.

High complexity

  1. Check that the language used is plain and clear.
  2. Check colour isn’t used as the only way of conveying information.
  3. Do a final read-through of the WCAG SC. How to Meet WCAG (Quick Reference) (filtered for levels A and AA, excluding SMIL, PDF, Flash, and Silverlight) is more readable way of doing this than going straight to the official specification.