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Accessible data visualisation: keyboard interactions

Following on from Accessible data visualisation: text alternatives, here are some thoughts on keyboard interactions on charts.

Names and roles

  • Give each series of data a role=“group” with an accessible name. Ideally use aria-labelledby to point at the series name in the legend. Otherwise use an aria-label.
  • Give each data point a role=“img” and an accessible name. The name should contain all the information needed for the data point to make sense on its own. Ideally, use aria-labelledby to point at existing visible text. Otherwise, use aria-label.
    • For example: on a pie chart, the name should include the name and size, such as “Monday, 14%”.
    • For example: on a bar chart, the name should include the x-axis value and the y-axis value, such as “January, $100”.

Keyboard interactions

  • Add visible, concise, instructions before the chart. This helps sighted keyboard users and screen reader users.
  • Move between data series using the Tab key. Each data series is a group.
    • If there are many series, add a skip link before the chart. This enables sighted keyboard users and screen reader users to bypass lengthy content.
  • Move between data points in a series using the arrow keys. 39 and 40 for next, 37 and 38 for previous
  • Set the first data point in the first series to tabindex=“0”. This provides an entry point into the chart. Then use a roving tabindex.