Since moving to running OSX (from Ubuntu, from Windows), I've been using Sublime Text 2 as my editor of choice. It's the best editor I've worked with, and I can't imagine having to switch from it. One off the great things about it is that there's always more to learn about it, and last week I finally got around to watching Perfect Workflow in Sublime Text 2. Here are a few quick things that I picked up from the video(s).
- Ctrl + Cmd + G expands the selection to all instances in the open file (like a big Cmd + D)
- I should be using Cmd + Shift + P (even) more often. It lets you access almost everything.
- Cmd + R, Goto Symbol, is a very useful in-page find.
- Cmd + P, then @, lets you open a file and Goto Symbol.
- I should start using the gist Package (which you can install via Package Control).